Tourist Office
The tourist office is located in the historic centre, close to one of the invertebrate axis of the town, our Main Square. At the tourist office, visitors can acquire all the information they need and, in addition, we offer the visitor a small sample of typical products so that they can remember their visit to Sant Mateu.
Moreover, the visitor can contemplate an ancient medieval oven from the 14th century inside the tourist office.
Martes a Sábado: de 10 a 14 h y de 16 a 18 h.
Domingo: de 10 a 14 h
Cerrado: 25 de diciembre, 1 y 6 de enero y 3 de mayo de 2025 (Festividad de la Mare de Déu dels Àngels)
C/ Historiador Betí, 13
964 416 658 –
619 73 87 46 ·
El Decálogo del Turista Responsable de la Comunitat Valenciana difunde 10 principios para que los y las turistas puedan disfrutar de la Comunitat Valenciana con sugerencias para contribuir a fomentar un turismo responsable y sostenible:
1. ‘Conoce tus derechos’: Y cumple tus obligaciones como turista. ¿Sabías que la Comunitat Valenciana cuenta con la Ley de Turismo, Ocio y Hospitalidad?
2. ‘Promueve la inclusión y respeta la pluralidad’: Trata a todas las personas con respeto y dignidad, mostrando una actitud cordial y educada, sin importar su género, raza o condición.
3. ‘Considera a la comunidad local’: Mantén un comportamiento acorde con la población local y acepta las normas establecidas.
4. ‘Disfruta de la cultura valenciana’: Conoce nuestros recursos artísticos, históricos y turísticos, nuestra lengua y tradiciones.
5. ‘Impulsa el comercio local’: Escoge productos locales para ayudar al desarrollo sostenible de nuestro entorno y contribuir a la generación de empleo
6. ‘Contribuye a la conservación ambiental’: Cuida los recursos naturales, respeta la vida silvestre y su hábitat natural. Sólo tenemos un planeta y es misión de todas las personas cuidarlo.
7. ‘Cuida el patrominio histórico’: Cumple las normas establecidas y evita impactos negativos que puedan comprometer su supervivencia.
8. ‘Consume productos y servicios sotenibles’: Contrata empresas turísticas sostenibles, utiliza el transporte público, elige restaurantes que ofrezcan productos de proximidad.
9. ‘Haz uso de los recursos naturales con moderación’: El agua y la energía son bienes muy escasos, utilízalos con sensatez.
10. ‘Procura que las únicas huellas que dejes tras de ti, sean las de tus pisadas’.
1. Receive objective, truthful and understandable information from the tourist companies about the services offered, complete and prior to hiring, as well as the final price, including taxes. And to be protected against misleading information or advertising, in accordance with current regulations.
2. Obtain the documents that prove the terms of their contract.
3. Receive tourist services in the offered or agreed conditions and, in any case, that the nature and quality of the services they provide are directly proportional to the category of the company or tourist establishment.
4. Enjoy accessible spaces, infrastructures and tourist services.
5. Free access to tourist establishments and services, in the terms established in the laws.
6. Those tourist establishments comply with the regulations on the safety and fire protection of their facilities, as well as the specific regulations on tourism.
7. Be informed, clearly, about the facilities or services that may pose a risk and the security measures adopted in this regard.
8. Receive an invoice or receipt of payment for the tourist service provided, with the data that current legislation requires.
9. Formulate complaints and claims and obtain accessible and truthful information about the procedure for submitting them and their treatment, being able to resort to an out-of-court dispute resolution system, through mediation and arbitration. Likewise, they have the right to get the maximum e-science in the attention and processing of their complaints or claims, from the competent public administration.
10. Go to arbitration formulas, for the extrajudicial resolution of their conflicts, with economic consequences.
11. Require that, in a place of high visibility, the accrediting signs of the establishment’s classification, the capacity, the prices of the services offered and any other activity variable, as well as the corresponding quality symbols are publicly displayed.
1. Respect the traditions and sociocultural customs of the tourist destinations, as well as their wealth and value.
2. Respect the environment, the historical and cultural heritage and tourist resources.
3. Pay for the contracted services, either at the time the invoice is presented or at the agreed time, place and form, in any case being the fact of filling a claim or complaint, because of exemption of payment.
4. In case of the tourist accommodation services, respect the agreed date and time of departure from the establishment, letting the occupied accommodation unit free.
5. Observe the rules of respect, education, social coexistence, clothing and hygiene for the proper use of tourist establishments and services.
6. Respect the facilities and equipment of the tourist establishments and companies.
7. Respect the internal policies of the tourist establishments, the schedules and the rules of behaviour in the places to visit and the execution of the tourist activities.