Archpriestal Church (13th – 18th century)

Monday to Sunday
from 10am to 2pm and from 4pm to 7pm

General rate: €1.50.
Reduced rate: €1.20.
Special rate: €2.00. (Archpriestal Church + Paleontological Museum)

* Note: Religious services, cultural events and group reservations may cause, without prior notice, changes in the schedule.

Note: outside guided tour hours or a religious service, the Gothic nave of the church can be seen through the glass that is located when passing through the Romanesque door

Closed: December 25, January 1 and 6, and 13 April 2024

It is a key monument talking about Valencian Gothic architecture and it was declared National Heritage in 1931. It includes elements of all the architectural styles since the 13th century to the end of the 18th century.

The most distinguished parts are: Romanesque front door and two nave sections of the first reconquest church (13th century), apse and incomplete Gothic nave (14th – 15th century), Gothic side door and bell tower (15th century), chapel of the notary Juan Alcalà (17th century) and chapel of St. Clement Martyr.