Surroundings of Sant Mateu

Close to Sant Mateu, in the Maestrat region, we cannot forget to visit the Virgen de la Fuente de la Salud Sanctuary in Traiguera. In Cervera del Maestre you can walk around the city centre, admire the ruins of the castle and visit the Interpretation Center – Molí de l’Oli. In the municipal area of La Jana, visit the Pou del Mas natural museum of ancient olive trees. In Peñíscola, a seaside city, admire its picturesque city centre and visit the Templar castle. Other towns of interest on the Maestrat coast are Vinaròs, Benicarló and Alcalà – Alcossebre (From Sant Mateu, 12 km to Cervera del Maestre, 12 km to Jana, 14 km to Traiguera, 39 km to Peñíscola, 35 km to Vinaròs , 30 km to Benicarló and 45 km to Alcalà – Alcossebre).

Discovering and knowing about the cave paintings of this region, declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO, visiting La Valltorta Museum and cave paintings in Tírig and Remigia Cave in the municipal area of Ares del Maestre. The cave paintings guided visit are free but for reasons of capacity you must be booked by calling to 964 336 010 (14 Km from Sant Mateu to La Valltorta Museum and 45 Km to the Remigia Cave – La Montalbana Farmhouse.

In la Tinença de Benifassà Nature Reserve visiting and enjoying its picturesque villages and its magnificient landscapes either travelling around the mountain roads by car or walking through the paths which cross it. Going on Thursday, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., there is the chance to visit the Santa Maria de Benifassà Monastery. (42 Km from Sant Mateu to Ulldecona Reservoir and 52 Km to Pobla de Benifassà).

In els Ports region, visiting Morella and travelling around its wonderful collection of historical monuments. From Morella, we can complete our trip walking around the streets of Forcall, Cinctorres or visiting La Virgen de la Balma Sanctuary in Zorita. (40 Km from Sant Mateu to Morella, 50 Km to Forcall, 52 Km to Cinctorres and 60 Km to La Balma Sanctuary).

Enjoying the visit to small towns in Alt Maestrat and els Ports region, such as Catí, Benassal, Culla, Ares and Villafranca del Cid. In the surrounding area, in the province of Teruel, we can depart for la Iglesuela del Cid, Cantavieja and Mirambel. (23 Km from Sant Mateu to Catí, 45 Km to Benassal, 55 Km to Culla, 53 Km to Ares, 65 Km to Villafranca del Cid, 74 Km to la Iglesuela del Cid, 83 Km to Cantavieja and 97,5 Km to Mirambel).

Enjoying the Maestrat Mining Museum facilities visiting the Victoria-Esperanza Mine located in the municipal area of Culla and la Torre d’en Besora. (46 Km from Sant Mateu).

In the south of the province, we can visit Vilafamés, Onda, Saint Joseph’s Underground River located in la Vall d’Uixó and the monumental city of Segorbe. (53 Km from Sant Mateu to Vilafamés, 78 Km to Onda, 93 Km to la Vall d’Uixó and 121 Km to Segorbe)

In the neighbouring province of Tarragona we can know about the extraordinary historical and artistic heritage in the episcopal city of Tortosa. In addition, we can go to Delta de l’Ebre from Ulldecona, Amposta or Deltebre, enjoy a sea walk by boat and comtemplate the wealth and variety of flora, fauna and landscapes in this very important Nature Reserve. (38 Km from Sant Mateu to Ulldecona,60 Km to Tortosa and 78 Km to Deltebre).